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Month: janvier 2013

Animated Metro style control in WPF

Animated Metro style control in WPF

Here is a little set of control that allow you to create (quickly) a Metro like menu. Example : [jwplayer config= »GrundgeAdapt » file= »″] Bring me now to download ! Way it works : The project is done by two distinct items. First one is a behavior that you put on a grid, the SliderGridBehavior. It will transform the given grid to a « moving » grid. When you click on one of it’s cell, you will expand it (with an animation). You can…

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A little workflow engine

A little workflow engine

In one of my projects, i need to create a little workflow system that fits with UI needs. This workflow engine needs basic features (if, while, foreach, basic actions) and also need to “stop and wait” for a user input for example. I have created my own one because I did not found my happiness in existing ones. I dont care, bring me to the download now !   Inside the beast The workflow will be defined for a given…

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