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Author: Alphamax

ESP32 driving swimming pool roller shutter

ESP32 driving swimming pool roller shutter

It is know that tech people are working hard during day and night. And what a frustration to see that time has come and you must stay 1’30 in front of the window, thumb on the button, to close the roller shutter due to french legal decision. As every tech person knows, on each problem there is a solution ! (One day I will detail my irrigation system 😜) I was looking for an easy and straight forward solution. I…

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Raspberry PI 3 + Windows 10 …

Raspberry PI 3 + Windows 10 …

Goal is to make a double axe laser tower. I have used a Raspberry Pi model 3 B, a mount & 2 servo and a couple of lasers. I wanted to make a Windows 10 IOT version so i started to download Windows 10 IOT core dashboard but it did not succeed. I decided to use the NOOBS version from the official website. I downloaded it and put it on my SD card (Samsung EVO 16Gb). After booting, selecting Windows 10…

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Sortie Officielle de mon Livre MVVM !

Sortie Officielle de mon Livre MVVM !

Le livre est officiellement disponible aujourd’hui ! Le communiqué officiel est disponible ici. Quelques mois d’effort pour la rédaction, un maximum d’attention à la relecture et un projet d’exemple assez complet et voilà une bonne chose de faite ! Le livre est en vente sur le site de l’éditeur ENI et sur d’autres sites marchands.  

LOTR – If Gandalf was part of an IT team …

LOTR – If Gandalf was part of an IT team …

Once i have finished looking for Lord Of The Ring extended version for the forth time, i asked myself on the role of Ganfalf in an IT team. What could be his role , his function ? The one who recruit people… He is kind of Human Resource and is involved in recruitment 🙂 It’s important for co-workers to have a word to say about future resources ! The one who knows a lot… He has a lot of knowledge…

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Huge collection of Microsoft technical EBooks

Huge collection of Microsoft technical EBooks

This amount of knowledge needs at least one blog ticket 🙂 Many PDF (also epub and mobi format) around technical subjects like Office 365, Windows Server 2012, SQL Server, Sharepoint, SQl Server, System Center, Visual Studio, … are available as free download on Microsoft website : Feel free to download, learn and progress !  

New App using ASP.NET with some fancy frameworks …

New App using ASP.NET with some fancy frameworks …

One of my colleague (Tomislav Babic) has created a long but perfectly built article about creating an ASP.Net application. He started from the database with Entity Framework, going on with Breeze.Net for the glue between client & server and close the article with Knockout JS & KOGrid for the client presentation layer. If you want to learn from scratch how to setup a solution or if you want to discover some new frameworks, read it ! Edit : You will be able to…

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Animated Metro style control in WPF

Animated Metro style control in WPF

Here is a little set of control that allow you to create (quickly) a Metro like menu. Example : [jwplayer config=”GrundgeAdapt” file=”″] Bring me now to download ! Way it works : The project is done by two distinct items. First one is a behavior that you put on a grid, the SliderGridBehavior. It will transform the given grid to a “moving” grid. When you click on one of it’s cell, you will expand it (with an animation). You can…

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A little workflow engine

A little workflow engine

In one of my projects, i need to create a little workflow system that fits with UI needs. This workflow engine needs basic features (if, while, foreach, basic actions) and also need to “stop and wait” for a user input for example. I have created my own one because I did not found my happiness in existing ones. I dont care, bring me to the download now !   Inside the beast The workflow will be defined for a given…

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Event-driven architecture

Event-driven architecture

This post will not debate on the benifits of this kind of architecture. We will discuss performances … What is an event ? A source will raise an event to indicate, to anyone who’d care to listen, that something happens. A destination will receive this event and act accordingly. Why choosing an event driven architecture ? Responsibility It’s interesting to have multiple components which have separated responsibility. It is clearly separated, more maintainable and reduce coupling. Simplification Each part of the architecture are separated….

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Perfect software architecture does not exists !

Perfect software architecture does not exists !

Low cohesion, modularity, dependency inversion, responsibility, interface segregation, overengineering, stovepipe syndrome, silver bullet or shotgun surgery… All of these techniques may lead you to the best solution but the mirror edge is quite thin. At one extreme you will provide an architectural marvel, maybe useless. On the other you may create a genie in a bottle. This article will try to draw some typical situations of the real development world. We can symbolize a software feature by a circle and,…

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