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Category: C# Tutorials

La liste des tutoriaux C#, tout ce qu’il vous faut pour programmer

Raspberry PI 3 + Windows 10 …

Raspberry PI 3 + Windows 10 …

Goal is to make a double axe laser tower. I have used a Raspberry Pi model 3 B, a mount & 2 servo and a couple of lasers. I wanted to make a Windows 10 IOT version so i started to download Windows 10 IOT core dashboard but it did not succeed. I decided to use the NOOBS version from the official website. I downloaded it and put it on my SD card (Samsung EVO 16Gb). After booting, selecting Windows 10…

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New App using ASP.NET with some fancy frameworks …

New App using ASP.NET with some fancy frameworks …

One of my colleague (Tomislav Babic) has created a long but perfectly built article about creating an ASP.Net application. He started from the database with Entity Framework, going on with Breeze.Net for the glue between client & server and close the article with Knockout JS & KOGrid for the client presentation layer. If you want to learn from scratch how to setup a solution or if you want to discover some new frameworks, read it ! Edit : You will be able to…

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Animated Metro style control in WPF

Animated Metro style control in WPF

Here is a little set of control that allow you to create (quickly) a Metro like menu. Example : [jwplayer config=”GrundgeAdapt” file=”″] Bring me now to download ! Way it works : The project is done by two distinct items. First one is a behavior that you put on a grid, the SliderGridBehavior. It will transform the given grid to a “moving” grid. When you click on one of it’s cell, you will expand it (with an animation). You can…

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A little workflow engine

A little workflow engine

In one of my projects, i need to create a little workflow system that fits with UI needs. This workflow engine needs basic features (if, while, foreach, basic actions) and also need to “stop and wait” for a user input for example. I have created my own one because I did not found my happiness in existing ones. I dont care, bring me to the download now !   Inside the beast The workflow will be defined for a given…

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Blend Behaviors : Expand textbox and add dot dot dot ellipsis

Blend Behaviors : Expand textbox and add dot dot dot ellipsis

Behaviors is one of the nicest feature in WPF and Silverlight. This article will show how to create and use 2 behaviors : Expand a textbox depending on it’s content Add ‘…’ if the textbox content exceed it’s container size. Here is a sample video : [jwplayer config=”GrundgeAdaptSmall” file=”″] There is two behaviors and one helper class in my solution : And the graphic stack :   AddDotDotDotToTextboxBehavior This class is binded on the ‘…’ textblock and contains a reference…

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Simple Plugin System based on Ninject and MVVM Light

Simple Plugin System based on Ninject and MVVM Light

My goal was to develop a simple but useful plugin system for my future developments. I wanted to keep/to have: Blendability Ninject power and flexibility Smooth animations Modularity (development & code) Fast “menu” system This sample rely on a solution available here : Solution The PluginSystem assembly contains the plugin base class, the view model base class and an animated content control. PluginBase class : This class force plugins to expose a user interface, an name (for menu printing in this…

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Windows Phone 7 Coding Dojo

Windows Phone 7 Coding Dojo

Here is a video showing how to create a simple but useful Windows Phone 7 application. This application allow Devoteam Luxembourg’s consultant to add and follow their time off requests. This application use web services based on Object Client for SharePoint. We will only see the Blend 4 part and the Visual Studio for windows phone development. I only use MVVM Light (as usual :p) as external framework. I have already done the link between the “enum application state” and…

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Blend 5 and Visual Studio 11 feedback, the Windows 8 development future

Blend 5 and Visual Studio 11 feedback, the Windows 8 development future

Here is a little feedback on Visual Studio 11 & Blend 5… 1 – Visual Studio 11 Visual Studio 11 is provided in the Windows 8 Developer Version. It is provided with some “Metro Application Style” templates. One first thing we can notice is that VS11 is very similar to VS10… Microsoft added usefull features detailed below. I am quite disapointed about Microsoft political point of view about Xaml Language and Html5/JavaScript… Fast file preview You may know that Visual…

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Coding dojo Silverlight

Coding dojo Silverlight

We will create an application for reading CSV from your bank account and, with simple pattern recognition, displaying a chart on the result. In this coding dojo we will see How to setup MVVM with Galasoft MVVM Light. How to use Blend as user interface designer. How MVVM can be applied in a concrete case. How developping quickly and with a relatively clean manner with MVVM. How to use chart of Silverlight toolkit. This humble dojo does not expect to be perfect but it can show…

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Multiple jointures sur Oracle 10g avec NHibernate

Multiple jointures sur Oracle 10g avec NHibernate

Quelques posts parlent d’un bug survenant avec oracle 10g et NHibernate lors d’une jointure multiple. Survient alors une erreur “ORA-00904”. Une fois le code SQL généré lu, on se rend compte que les jointures suivant une virgule sont alors incapable d’utiliser des valeurs déclarées dans le Select. left outer join “City” city2_ on address1_.City_id=city2_.Id, “Country” country6_ left outer join Provider_Specialities specialiti3_ on provider0_.Id=specialiti3_.Provider_id donc l’utilisation de provider0_.Id dans le second join est invalidé par le “,” du premier…

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