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Category: Technical tutorials

Huge collection of Microsoft technical EBooks

Huge collection of Microsoft technical EBooks

This amount of knowledge needs at least one blog ticket 🙂 Many PDF (also epub and mobi format) around technical subjects like Office 365, Windows Server 2012, SQL Server, Sharepoint, SQl Server, System Center, Visual Studio, … are available as free download on Microsoft website : Feel free to download, learn and progress !  

A little workflow engine

A little workflow engine

In one of my projects, i need to create a little workflow system that fits with UI needs. This workflow engine needs basic features (if, while, foreach, basic actions) and also need to “stop and wait” for a user input for example. I have created my own one because I did not found my happiness in existing ones. I dont care, bring me to the download now !   Inside the beast The workflow will be defined for a given…

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Perfect software architecture does not exists !

Perfect software architecture does not exists !

Low cohesion, modularity, dependency inversion, responsibility, interface segregation, overengineering, stovepipe syndrome, silver bullet or shotgun surgery… All of these techniques may lead you to the best solution but the mirror edge is quite thin. At one extreme you will provide an architectural marvel, maybe useless. On the other you may create a genie in a bottle. This article will try to draw some typical situations of the real development world. We can symbolize a software feature by a circle and,…

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Silverlight 5 and Tasks : strange behavior ! (Updated)

Silverlight 5 and Tasks : strange behavior ! (Updated)

This blog post aims to talk about a strange behavior of Silverlight when using TPL (Tasks parallel library) . Context   You may need to integrate OData service in Silverlight. In this context, you could add your business code in the Silverlight part. It can result a sequence of asynchronous call in Silverlight (like Russian doll) : When server raises an exception it must be propagated to the client (with or without message). In my future example, I will try to create…

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Why blend is for developers ?

Why blend is for developers ?

During the TechDays 2012 conference, I have seen a course about “Blend for designers” from Michel Rousseau. It is now time to go on through this way: Blend is also for ergonomic specialist. Blend is also for developers. How many times I have seen people saying : “I am a developer so I develop the application and give it to the designer” : Without an ergonomic study before, you might create an application inside out, upside down and back-to-front… “I am…

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Single web service for multiple devices (IPhone, Windows Phone, Silverlight, Windows 8)

Single web service for multiple devices (IPhone, Windows Phone, Silverlight, Windows 8)

At Devoteam Luxembourg, our goal was to develop a cross platform application. We have developed a set of application based on a single “web services server”. An IPhone, IPad, Android version with Sencha Touch A Windows Phone 7 native version A Silverlight version A Windows 8 based on winRT version This article will only talk about consuming web services on this 4 versions.  We add some constraints like activating HTTPS for enhancing security, taking care of enhancing speed for mobile…

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Windows Phone 7 Coding Dojo

Windows Phone 7 Coding Dojo

Here is a video showing how to create a simple but useful Windows Phone 7 application. This application allow Devoteam Luxembourg’s consultant to add and follow their time off requests. This application use web services based on Object Client for SharePoint. We will only see the Blend 4 part and the Visual Studio for windows phone development. I only use MVVM Light (as usual :p) as external framework. I have already done the link between the “enum application state” and…

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Bien organiser un projet (appliqué au bot Ogame)

Bien organiser un projet (appliqué au bot Ogame)

Combien de fois il m’a fallu recommencer un projet à cause d’une architecture foireuse … L’idée est bonne, les techniques/technologies maitrisées mais alors quel plat de spaghetti !!! ^^ Ce tutoriel va vous aider à maitriser toutes ces bonnes idées afin de les canaliser autour de quelques axes primordiaux : Modularité Evolutivité Simplicité Quelques définitions : Modularité La modularité est en informatique l’un des points essentiels. « Rien ne sert de réinventer la roue »:) . Si vous faites une classe de connexion…

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Les sockets et le protocole HTTP

Les sockets et le protocole HTTP

Bon, nous allons commencer par la base 😀 Les sockets Un socket est un flux de communication entre deux objets que nous nommerons “Client” et “Serveur” dans le cadre du projet. Le Client va demander un droit de créer un canal de communication avec le Serveur, puis, si celui ci accèpte, le Client et le Serveur pourront communiquer. En C++, C#, Java, etc… les fonctions sont quasi-identiques. Cela consiste : Créer un objet Socket Le paramétrer (TCP, Internet, etc… et…

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Quelques définitions

Quelques définitions

Sockets But : un socket est comme un “tunnel” ou transite des informations.Caractéristiques : Mode de création : en serveur, le socket accepte les connections et les traites. En client, il se conecte à un serveur Type de trame : TCP (sûre mais plus couteuse), UDP (sans contrôle d’arrivée), etc… Famille d’adresse : Internet, Unix (je sais pas trop à quoi ca sert) Exemple : je désire naviguer sur internet, “je vais sur” correspond à créer un “tunnel” entre et…

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